watch as a verb in a sentence

The authorities maintained a careful watch over the establishment. :People came from all over the world to view her work.The patients were observed over a period of several months.He couldn't get in touch with her, so he would just have to watch and wait.He watched with great interest how she coaxed the animals inside.My father religiously watched the show every Friday night.She watched helplessly as her husband was dragged away.She watched in astonishment as he smashed the machine to pieces.She watched the man closely to see where he would go.The women were made to watch while their children were slaughtered.They could only watch in silence as their possessions were taken away.the most widely watched national news bulletins in the countryI only let my kids watch television at the weekends.This initiative is being closely watched by government take care of somebody/something for a short timeCould you watch my bags for me while I buy a paper? Important Solutions 2577. (wear, have) " He put on his watch. " (= be careful, because you're in a dangerous situation)to pay attention to a situation so that you notice any changesto observe somebody's activities without their knowledge, especially over a period of timeHe didn't know he was being watched by the be careful about what you say in order not to upset or offend somebodyThe referee told the players to mind their language.You’d better watch your step with him if you don’t want trouble.She'd better watch her back if she wants to hold onto the top be careful not to work longer than the required time; to think more about when your work will finish than about the work itselfused to say that when you are impatient for something to happen, time seems to pass very slowlyto be careful what you say in order not to offend somebody or make them angryused in orders, to tell somebody to wait for more news about something to be announcedI can't tell you any more right now, but watch this be sure that you know what the time is, so that you finish something at the correct time, or are not late for somethingI'll have to watch the time. I kept a close watch on my bag as I sat on the train. The word 'watch' is both a noun (watch, watches) and a verb (watch, watches, watching, watched). Maharashtra State Board SSC (English Medium) Class 10th Board Exam. ‘Would you like to play?’ ‘No thanks—I'll just watch.’ She stood and watched as the taxi drove off. Two soldiers were ordered to … They kept a vigilant watch for the enemy. Whenever I look at my watch and its hands point to ten, I hear the bells of the neighboring church; but because the bells begin to ring when the hands of the clock reach ten, I have no right to assume that the movement of the bells is caused by the position of the hands of the watch. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Question Papers 231. We watched to see what would happen next. The verb in this sentence is the word "is." (constant, continuous) " The prisoner is on suicide watch. "

afterwards came to the Holy Land to He seems to have been in London during the last weeks of Charles I., from whom he is said to have received his The lord of the manor with his officials and retainers, the peasantry bound to him by ties of personal dependence and mutual rights and obligations, constituted a little world, in which we can The community we are studying must have reached such a stage of development that its economic functions and those immediately cognate to them form a well-defined group, and adequate means must be available so that we can, as it were, It is clear that, if we start from the condition of full eversion of the tube and Erected first as a temporary committee of public safety to hunt down the remnant of the conspirators and to keep a vigilant This would be so if people acted independently and without guidance, but actually they are sometimes misled by published advice and movements in the market intended to deceive them, and, even when they are not, they When a current is passed through the coil it rotates in the field and displaces the index over the scale against the control of a spiral spring like the hairspring of a Leaving his mule to the abbey, and giving away his worldly clothes to a beggar, he kept his But, on his return, he forgot to hoist the white sail, and his father, supposing that his son had lost his life, threw himself from a high rock on which he was keeping Later, mention is made of large and ferocious dogs which were employed to guard sheep and cattle, or to Among the manufactures are agricultural implements, In 1807 the African Institution was formed, with the primary objects of keeping a vigilant Wesley saw that here was the very means he needed to The first shock was repulsed, but a French column penetrated in the dark between two regiments of the British and a confused fight ensued in the ruins, in which the 42nd (Black To meet these forces the emperor could not collect men in all, of whom upwards of 10o,000 were held by Wellington on the Spanish frontier, and more were required to The most interesting of his discoveries, now generally known as the " Wiedemann effect," is the following: If we magnetize longitudinally a straight wire which is fixed at one end and free at the other, and then pass an electric current through the wire (or first pass the current and then magnetize), the free end of the wire will twist in a certain direction depending upon circumstances: if the wire is of iron, and is magnetized (with a moderate force) so that its free end has north polarity, while the current through it passes from the fixed to the free end, then the free end as seen from the fixed end will twist in the direction of the hands of a If we twist the free end of a ferromagnetic wire while a current is passing through it, the wire becomes longitudinally magnetized, the direction of the magnetization depending upon circumstances: if the wire is of iron and is twisted so that its free end as seen from the fixed end turns in the direction of the hands of a Such were various procuratorships; 'the prefectures of the corn supply, of the fleet, of the Under the empire the power of the equites was at its highest in the time of Diocletian; in consequence of the transference of the capital to Constantinople, they sank to the position of a mere city guard, under the control of the prefect of the Next to the poor rate came that for highways, and other special rates have been authorized from time to time, as for police, education, public lighting, cemeteries, libraries, sanitary purposes, &c. To distinguish the rate the name of the precepting authority is frequently added or the purpose for which it is levied specified, as county rate, Henceforth the various corps lost more and more their territorial character, one nationality was set to It cannot be said that previously to Darwin there had been any very profound study of teleology, but it had been the delight of a certain type of mind - that of the lovers of nature or naturalists par excellence, as they were sometimes termed - to The House of Burgesses is represented by a Biirgerausschuss (committee of the house) of twenty deputies whose duty it is to He despatched French with a large force to clear the south-eastern districts of the Transvaal and for the rest maintained a force to In particular the fluctuations of the pulse in fevers and inflammations were better understood, and accurately registered; and we can scarcely realize now that before Harvey the time of the pulse seems not to have been counted by the Discontent in Ireland was now rapidly becoming dangerous, and was finding a focus in the Society of the United Irishmen, and in the Catholic Committee, an organization formed a few years previously, chiefly under the direction of Lord Kenmare, to From the laws of the Kentish kings Lhothhere and Eadric (673-685) we learn that the Wic-reeve was an officer of the king of Kent, who exercised a jurisdiction over the Kentish men trading with or at London, or was appointed to When on the eve of St John's Day, 1510, the king in the habit of a yeoman of his own guard saw the famous march of the city Sir John Gresham, mayor in 1548, revived the march of the city In 1745, owing to his knowledge of Gaelic, he was appointed deputy chaplain of the 43rd (afterwards the 42nd) regiment (the Black To make this apparatus more perfectly automatic, an arrangement for continually adding to and mixing with the juice the proper proportion of milk of lime has been adapted to it; and although it may be objected that once the proportion has been determined no allowance is made for the variation in the quality of the juice coming from the mill owing to the variations that may occur in the canes fed into the mills, it is obviously as easy to vary the proportion with the automatic arrangement from time to time as it is to vary in each separate direction, if the man in charge will take the trouble to do so, which he very seldom does with the ordinary defecators, satisfying himself with testing the juice once or twice in a Again his doctrine of fasting is a spiritualizing of a current opus operatum conception on Jewish lines as though " keeping a The treasury was managed by two chamberlains; and every five years the Paduans sent one of their nobles to reside as nuncio in Venice, and to The natural route overland through Marseilles and Toulouse was held by his enemies; that through the empire from the head of the Adriatic was little safer, since Leopold of Austria was on the This provision hardly consists with Comte's congratulations to the tsar Nicholas on the " wise vigilance " with which he kept Amongst the finest of his classical pictures were - "Syracusan Bride leading Wild Beasts in Procession to the Temple of Diana" (1866), "Venus disrobing for the Bath" (1867), "Electra at the Tomb of Agamemnon," and "Helios and Rhodos" (1869), "Hercules wrestling with Death for the Body of Alcestis" (1871), "Clytemnestra" (1874), "The Daphnephoria" (1876), "Nausicaa" (1878), "An Idyll" (1881), two lovers under a spreading oak listening to the piping of a shepherd and gazing on the rich plain below; "Phryne" (1882), a nude figure standing in the sun; "Cymon and Iphigenia" (1884), "Captive Andromache" (1888), now in the Manchester Art Gallery; with the "Last 3) the terms by which these parts are designated: The skin does not form eyelids; but the epidermis passes over the eye, forming a transparent disk, concave like the glass of a The graceful form of their body, the elegance and rapidity of their movements, and the exquisite beauty of their colours have been the admiration of all who have had the good fortune to On the 18th of December a new censorship law was issued, to secure the orthodoxy of all published books; and finally, in 1791, a sort of Protestant Inquisition was established at Berlin (Immediat-Examinationscommission) to c. 3 de ref., of the council of Trent, made dependent upon the consent of the provincial synod after cause shown (causa cognita et probata); and the only two powers left to the archbishop in this respect are to After performing several feats of valour, he was appointed by Hera to Marshal Bazaine had meanwhile arrived on the scene, and ordering forward fresh troops to relieve (not to reinforce) those already engaged, he rode forward with a horse artillery battery to By May a Dutch fleet of some eighty sail was at sea, preparing to Turenne was therefore despatched to Westphalia and Conde to Alsace, while a corps of observation was formed on the Meuse to The duke was then in Romagna, and it was Machiavelli's duty to wait upon and In the same year he was despatched with a fleet to To the visitor from Europe the attraction of Tunis lies in the native city, where, in the Rue al Jezira, along which runs electric trams, he can see hundreds of camels in the morning bearing charcoal to market; where he may witness the motley life of the bazaars, or, by the Bab-Jedid, 69) to the rescript of that emperor impressing on governors and magistrates the duty of keeping a strict Many of the sapphires are shipped to Switzerland for At the declaration of the republic, he closed his Ami du peuple, and commenced, on the 25th, a new paper, the Journal de la republique francaise, which was to contain his sentiments as its predecessor had done, and to be always on the Their fleets were divided into squadrons, of which one, under Tombazes, was deputed to In the early part of 1841 the "Third of March Association" was formed to After Luther's death the more rigid Lutherans declared it to be their duty to preserve the status religionis in Germania per Lutherum instauratus, and to On the top of Knockfarrel (Gaelic, cnoc, hill; faire, But even now the Lithuanians were indisposed towards a complete union, and finally they quitted the diet, leaving two commissioners behind to But Catherine, still in difficulties, was obliged to Taking his army by sea from New York to the head of the Chesapeake, he marched up into Pennsylvania, whither Washington had repaired to In the earlier part of the year the British at New York and the French at Newport continued to This motion is resisted by the torsion of a spiral spring resembling the hair-spring of a The family have on the preceding days solemnly visited the grave, and offered to the shades gifts of water, wine, milk, honey, oil, and the blood of black victims; they have decked the tomb with flowers, have renewed the feast and farewell of the funeral, and have prayed to the ancestors to As to the use of the word " compensation " in horology, see Clock; Both he and his college took kindly the amazing proceeding of his mother, who left her husband and her home to reside in Oxford, that she might One is mentioned in the annals of China two centuries before our era, between the territories of the Huns in the west and those of the Tunguses in theeast - a vast area of some 300 to 400 m., on the opposite margin of which the two peoples kept It was probably at first a means of calling the people together in case of a sudden invasion, but was afterwards a signal for setting the There is a school of industrial art (engraving and enamelling The whole establishment is surrounded by a wall, furnished at intervals with For some time after the marriage, the young couple were controlled by the empress Elizabeth, who appointed court officials to keep a And when they had been served with wines and spices they went away leaving only the candidate, the esquires, " the priest, the chandler and the Vessels were accumulated on the American sea-board, and the A similar conflict took place between Arnulf's son and successor Eberhard and Otto the Great; but Eberhard was less successful than his father, for in 938 he was driven from Bavaria, which was given by Otto with reduced privileges to the late duke's uncle, Bertold; and a count palatine in the person of Eberhard's brother Arnulf was appointed to the churches of the suburbicarian provinces and the islands, it was Gregory's policy to Nelson urged immediate attack, and recommended, as an alternative, that part of the British fleet should In consequence of Czech aggressiveness, the German parties (the German Progressists, the German Populists, the Constitutional Landed Proprietors and the Christian Socialists, created a joint executive committee and a supreme committee of four members to I) may be on the top of a small rod r, fixed at its lower end by plaster of Paris in a With an adjustment to give a t5-second period, a deflection Table The Nile crocodile makes a hole in white sand, which is then filled up and smoothed over; the mother sleeps upon the nest, and keeps We may suddenly remember dimly afterwards that we have done so, and we quite fail to recall the difference between the During the latter part of this period he was associated with Sir Thomas Smith, whose function was at least partly to We have followed it long enough to see its directness and simplicity, to observe the naturalness with which one incident succeeds another, and to The day and the hour none knew, neither the angels nor the Son, but only the Father: it was the duty of all to Then coming to a place called Gethsemane, He bade the disciples wait while He should pray; and taking the three who had been with Him at the Transfiguration He told them to tarry near Him and to But Great Britain, on the ground that she had no immediate interest in the Italian question, was represented only by Lord Stewart, the ambassador at Vienna, who was not armed with full powers, his mission being to He was occupied in trying to unite firmly together the whole evangelical movement; he laboured to give his countrymen a good system of schools; he was on the During the last two or three years of his life Louis lived in great isolation, "seeing no one, speaking with no one, except such as he commanded," in the château of Plessis-les-Tours, that "spider's nest" bristling with This he accomplished by five means - by a council to settle the faith, by edicts promulgating its principles, by a state department to In the year of the council, the king also founded a state department to On his refusal war was declared, and Wellesley came down in state to Madras to organize the expedition in person and He was a great civil and military official, charged to The township includes several small villages, connected by electric railways, the best known being Paley refers several times to Nieuwentyt, who uses the famous illustration of the Like the Moerae (Fates), they regulate the destinies of man, (r) In the family the hearth-fire is the scene of the protecting care of deity; the gods of the household The higher summits of the Cordilleras afford a larger and more continuous supply of water, and so dependent are the people in the cultivated river valleys on this source of water supply that they It has a pocket-hole on either side, giving access to the pockets, which are always in the arkhalik, where also is the breast-pocket in which He despatched his son Jiafir to assume the government of Isfahan, and Early in 1909, indeed, a Russian force of 2600 men was sent to Yet as far back as the 13th century a statute, known as that of "Borough constabulary forces were established by the Municipal Corporation Act (1835), which entrusted their administration to the mayor and a constitution, is adapted to virtue, as from the idea of a The High Church party in England had induced Vere to dismiss him from the chaplaincy; but he was still held, deservedly, in such reverence, that it was arranged he should attend the synod, and accordingly he was retained by the Calvinist party at four florins a day to Two corps were left in the open in observation, one at St Ninian's to And, further, this matter seems to belong to the same cycle of tradition as the story of Pilate's wife and his throwing the guilt of the Crucifixion of Jesus upon the Jews, and the testimony borne by the Roman guard (as well as the centurion) who kept His mother Agave having joined the revellers on Mount Cithaeron, Pentheus followed and climbed a lofty pine to on his arrival in 1172, and subsequently the English held the town for a long period against the Irish, by constant and careful As his fleet was only 57 sail in all he was not able to engage the enemy from end to end, but as the French were arranged in a line from east to west he could have fallen on the end nearest him, and could have guarded himself by telling off a part of his ships to Chitral is an important state because of its situation at the extremity of the country over which the government of India exerts its influence, and for some years before 1895 it had been the object of the policy of the government of India to control the external affairs of Chitral in a direction friendly to British interests, to secure an effective guardianship over its northern passes, and to keep At the same time Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso, one of the most violent and ambitious of the old nobility, was sent as governor of Syria to Histories of commerce and cities now rank beside those on war and kings, although there are readers still who prefer to follow the pennants or robber barons rather than to It was instituted primarily as a precaution against the ever-present danger of a helot revolt, and secondarily perhaps as a training for young Spartans, who were sent out by the ephors to keep In an ensuing battle (in January 1831), both Sabagadis and Marie were killed, and Ubie retired to in the summer of 1515 ordered Giuliano de' Medici, as gonfalonier of the Church, to lead a papal force into the Emilia and With particular regard to this last named duty the college deputed two of its members to attend all meetings of the states-general, to At about ten o' clock Robert Keyes brought Fawkes from Percy a The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage.

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