russian drug culture

Arguably, narcologists’ human rights are also infringed when Russian drug laws criminally prohibit evidence-based drug dependence treatment such as OST, thus subjecting narcologists who are willing to provide OST to their patients to life imprisonment for drug trafficking. However, Russia’s drug policy doesn’t work the way it should because of the corruption. The same conference endorsed a bill to be introduced to the Federal Parliament in order to expand the coercive treatment measures of 2013–2014 to “problem alcohol users” [34]. In 2010, Russia’s Chief Narcologist announced his endeavor to create a four-level system of “social pressure” in order to respond to the country’s “drug problem” [26].
Anya Radul from AEGEE-Rostov-na-Donu says that “When you show people the real effects that drugs have on a person’s mind and body, when you teach children that soft drugs aren’t really cool. 12, April 2012, p. 275. 2018, doi:10.1186/s40985-018-0088-5"The latest information, obtained directly by us from the Ministry, covers the year ending 2017, and reports the number of newly registered PLHIV [People Living with HIV] has increased by 105,844. Before that happens, however, senior officials at the International Association of Athletics Federations want to make a serious attempt to rid Russia of its systemic culture … The first level of this system involves “early detection” of drug use by way of school and workplace testing; the second level is voluntary drug treatment; the third level is compulsory treatment by referral from the criminal justice system; and the fourth level is compulsory treatment within the criminal justice system.

1 Jun. "Golichenko, Mikhail, and Sandra Ka Hon Chu.

"Recently, this opposition to science and human rights reached a new frontier. Only about 2% of people convicted for drug administrative offenses chose to undergo treatment rather than punishment (about 1500 out of more than 70,000) [32] and only about 1% of 48,557 people who were involuntarily ordered to undergo drug dependence treatment remained drug-free within a year or more after treatment. DOI:Talha Burki, "Russia’s drug policy fuels infectious disease epidemics," The Lancet, Vol. Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation acknowledged that over 90% patients start to use drugs within a year. As of September 2017, there were also at least five applications pending before the European Court of Human Rights concerning the human rights of PWUD.3"However, human rights violations arising from punitive drug policy are not limited to PWUD.

According to a research, there are 2.2 million alcoholics, 700.000 alcohol related-deaths, 160.000 diagnosed with psychosis. By 2013, this system was fully implemented as state policy. Drugs only became such a massive problem in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. "Golichenko, Mikhail, and Sandra Ka Hon Chu. There is an enormous stigma. 1 Jun. 39 12. For example, these amendments empower law enforcement agencies to coerce PWUD to undergo drug treatment and rehabilitation, empower courts to issue drug treatment orders to people who commit drug-related administrative offenses (such as non-medical use of narcotic drugs or possession of insignificant amounts of narcotic drugs) or to DDP who commit minor crimes (such as theft or the possession of significant amounts of drugs for personal use), introduce administrative punishment of up to 30 days of imprisonment for evasion of court-imposed drug treatment or rehabilitation, and require drug treatment and rehabilitation organizations to report to police those patients who do not fulfill court-imposed treatment or rehabilitation orders. 2018, doi:10.1186/s40985-018-0088-5"Analysis of court statistics demonstrates that the 2013–2014 amendments have not led to the expected outcome of “motivating” PWUD to undergo drug treatment or rehabilitation.
The other reason is that there is no effective rehabilitation program available in Russia. Ezhi who has been a social worker for the Andrey Rylkov foundation for five years says that “Russia wants to be strong and powerful, drug users do not suit that image and therefore seem to be ignored for the sake of ideal. According to a former Chief Narcologist, Nikolay Ivanets, Russian narcologists would never speak in favor of OST because of the risks of prosecution [65]. Reasons for the absence of progress in Russia are numerous and include insufficient access to sterile injecting equipment, unavailability of opioid substitution therapy, and a shortage of treatment in populations where it is most needed, namely people who inject drugs and their partners, sex workers, and men who have sex with men. In general, I tend to believe that happy people wouldn’t like to use any dope – so why not try to improve the overall living standard?”. It is a growing problem for Russia. The conference’s final resolution included recommendations to health institutions in Russia to form a system of social pressure for people who use psychoactive substances, including a mechanism of legal “motivation” for treatment and rehabilitation as an alternative to administrative and criminal liability for people committing drug crimes.

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