star baby names

Jupe would make a cool nickname.Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, is named after the Roman god of the message. Aries. Its beautiful meaning and its ability to derive several nicknames make it a cool name for baby boys.The comet Holmes was once the largest object in the solar system.

Anne Heche can be credited for making this name popular as she named her son Atlas Heche Tupper in the year 2009.Perseus is the name of the constellation located in the northern portion of the sky. Pluto is derived from a Latin word and means ‘God of the underworld’.Janus, the name of one of the moons of Saturn, is based on the Roman god with two faces. With the musical connection, you can expect a future rock star on hands.Also referred to as the ‘Harp Star’, Vega is the fifth shiniest star in our solar system.

Name. constellation of the zodiac, Latin for ram. Children's Names: Otis Alexander (son) Daisy Josephine (daughter) The name means ‘ruler of man’. Add a twist to the name by spelling it with a K, like Kalypso.Callisto is the name of the third-largest moon in the universe.

Jules or Julie would make the best nicknames for Juliet.Bianca is the name of a small moon in Uranus. Blue Ivy (Beyonce and Jay-Z) This name needs no introduction, much like Blue's uber-famous parents. As most of you must be knowing, Pluto was removed from the list of planets, and was given the status of a ‘planetoid’ previously. The moon was named after one of the lovers of Zeus in the Greek mythology. Luna would also make an excellent middle name.Cordelia is the name of the inner moon of Uranus. The constellation was named after the mother of Andromeda in Greek mythology.

But Star has symbolic power related to Christmas, so this could make one of the perfect names for December babies. This moon was named after a character in William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. Nash is located exactly on the spout of the ‘teapot’. So it’s a perfect name for parents looking for an uncommon, yet meaningful and beautiful name. Both mother and daughter’s name have celestial objects named after them. This sweet, short and celestial baby name is also the moniker of one of Harry Potter’s companions in J.K. Rowling series. It’s the name of a moon personified as a Queen Nymph in the Greek mythology. The name Star is a girl's name. Too bad that the name is not as familiar as it was a few decades ago. Bianca is also the name of the daughter of Jean-Claude Van Damme.The name Aurora comes from the natural phenomenon of the appearance of gorgeous red and green lights in the sky. Its name honors the chief god of the Roman mythology. Aditya. Actress Penelope Cruz and her husband Javier Bardem chose it for their daughter. It’s also associated with Katie Holmes and Sherlock Holmes. Sanskrit element. This means plenty of names from underused languages and names of specific celestial bodies will no longer be deemed "too weird" for the playground. Luckily, there are plenty of attractive names that carry the meaning.

You get the name Galexia by tweaking the spelling of galaxy. Estelle was once perceived to be an old-fashioned name from Charles Dickens’ novel, The Great Expectations, but it has now come back with a bang and is all set to shine brightly. They have Holmes as a surname, but we think Holmes would make a nice first or middle name as well.Neptune is the name of one of the two planets that cannot be seen from the earth with the naked eye. The name sounds twice nice when you pronounce it as Auberon.The name Jericho has origins in the Arabic language and means ‘city of the moon’. The name is fitting for a rising pop star or superstar. It is the largest of the moons of Uranus and the eighth largest moon in the Solar System. It was one of the most popular names in 2012, but its popularity has reduced in the recent years. The name is inspired from a nymph who fell in love with Zeus in the Greek mythology. It would make an apt name for one of your twin girls.

Chris North, the Sex and the City fame, named his son Orion while Erykah Badu named her daughter Mars. If astronomy and stargazing have always amazed you, why not shoot the stars for baby names? This is the name for the .. Altair.

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