charge in a sentence

59. The teacher is in charge of the class. 129.

Total 219, 30 Per page  I will be in charge of your initiation. 3) She is in charge of the housework.

About 71% of this The personal and habitation tax consists in fact of two different taxes, one imposing a fixed capitation Save for the small item of military expenditure Tunisia is no At last one cast a stone towards the boat, which earned him a The allegations made con cerning the Chinese really amounted to a From 1825 to 1827 he acted as assistant viceconsul at Lisbon, where his uncle, Barthelemy de Lesseps, was the French But his courage did not fail him, and in his last year, in a public Latin letter, he exhorted his friend John Campanus to maintain freedom of thought in face of the The Straits Settlements - Singapore, Malacca and Penang - were ruled from India until 1867, when they were erected into a crown colony under the He was sent to the Marshalsea, and a few years later was indicted on a He challenged the legality of Horne's consecration, and a special act of parliament was passed to meet the point, while the Shortly afterwards he joined Essex with sixty horse, and was present at Edgehill, where his troop was one of the few not routed by Rupert's According to Clarendon the latter, though frequently victorious in a In particular, his acceptance of the crown would have guaranteed his followers, under the act of Henry VII., from liability in the future to the At first he speaks with complacence of a melee, and reports that he and his men "agreed to The Royalist cavalry was disorganized by victory as often as by defeat, and illustrated on numerous fields the now discredited maxim that cavalry cannot DEWAS, two native states of India, in the Malwa Political He was educated at Glasgow university, where he had a brilliant academic career; and having entered the ministry of the Presbyterian Church, he returned to Canada and obtained a pastoral A bent spring possesses energy, for it is capable of doing work in returning to its natural form; a An intelligent creature, or "demon," possessed of unlimited powers of vision, is placed in RAJPUTANA, a collection of native states in India, under the political The judges at Babylon seem to have formed a superior court to those of provincial towns, but a defendant might elect to answer the If the positive is called the signalling current, the line will be After a very short interval of time, the length of which depends on the inductive retardation of the cable, the condensers corresponding to C 1 and C3 at the other end begin to be When the key is released the condensers and cables at once begin to return to zero potential, and if the key is depressed and released several times in rapid succession the cable is divided into sections of varying potential, which travel rapidly towards the receiving end, and indicate their arrival there by producing corresponding fluctuations in the For a message between Great Britain and Ireland the The electrical condition of the cable was then excellent, but unfortunately the electrician in In order to produce electric oscillations in the system, the first or alternating current transformer must The impedance of the primary or alternator circuit is so adjusted that when both the chokers are in circuit the current flowing is not sufficient to Thus, for instance, when using an induction coil or transformer to Varley, who proposed to make use of it in a telegraphic receiving instrument.4 In Dolbear's instrument one plate of a condenser was a flexible diaphragm, connected with the telephone line in such a way that the varying electric potential produced by the action of the transmitting telephone caused an increased or diminished The company consented to free intercommunication between its subscribers and those of the Post Office, and undertook to Here in the year 1300 new factions, subdividing the old Guelphs and Ghibellines under the names of Neri and Bianchi, had acquired such force that Boniface VIII., a violently Guelph pope, called in Charles of Valois to pacify the republic and undertake the Murat, left in command of the Grand Army at of ?VapoVilna, abandoned his Venice alone still held out; after Novara the Piedmontcse commissioners withdrew and Manin again took In the duchy of Modena an insurrection had broken out, and after Magenta Duke Francis joined the Austrian army in Lombardy, leaving a regency in After obtaining the establishment of an apostolic prefecture in Eritrea under the In June 1675 he signed the paper of advice drawn up by the bishops for the king, urging the rigid enforcement of the laws against the Roman Catholics, their complete banishment from the court, and the suppression of conventicles, 2 and a bill introduced by him imposing special taxes on recusants and subjecting Roman Catholic priests to imprisonment for life was only thrown out as too lenient because it secured offenders from the Later criticism, orthodox and heterodox, upon the English deists inclines to - dwells so much upon the rewards of goodness, as bribes (we must almost say) to rational self-love, that some have called Butler himself an ethical hedonist; though his sermon on the " Love of God " ought surely to free him from that prevents any one from being arrested on the appeal of a woman, except on a The plan was unsuccessful, and soon after his return to Paris Brissot was lodged in the Bastille on the For some time sickness and mortality were excessively large, but the reclamation of swamp and clearance of jungle on an extensive scale by Colonel Henry Man when in c. 71, tithe has become, except in a few rare cases, tithe rent Just south of the city is Kemper Hall, a Protestant Episcopal school for girls, under the Should the accused, after the testimony against him had been made public, continue to deny the A company to finance his case was formed in 1905, and in the autumn of 1907 he instituted a When his father was sent as minister to Great Britain in 1825 he accompanied him as secretary of the American legation, and when his father returned home on account of ill health he remained as The line is traced through biblical teachers to Ezra, the first of the Sopherim or scribes, who handed on the The only telescope erected in the establishment when he took it in His father, consul in 487, seems to have died soon after; for Boetius states that, when he was bereaved of his parent, men of the highest rank took him under their uniformly assign these treatises to Boetius, they are to be regarded as his; that it is probable that Symmachus and John (who afterwards became Pope) were the men of highest distinction who took army is one of the principal officers in the war department, the head of the bureau for army correspondence, with the Under this system each consignment of freight is compelled to pay its share of the terminal expense, independently of distance, plus a mileage This classification is based partly upon special conditions of service, which make some articles more economical to carry than others (with particular reference to the question whether the goods are offered to the companies in car-loads or in small parcels), but chiefly with regard to the commercial value of the article, and its consequent ability to bear a high The so-called " long-and-short-haul clause," which forbade a greater The law forbids a railway or any other common carrier to In Hungary and Russia a zone-tariff system is in operation, whereby the The first dining car in England was run experimentally by the Great Northern railway between London and Leeds in 1879, and now such vehicles form a common feature on express trains, being available for all classes of passengers without extra On the other hand, where, as in America, the great volume of freight is raw material and crude food-stuffs, and the distances are great, a low He was somewhat reserved in manner, and this led to the In search of materials for this purpose, Pertz made a prolonged tour through Germany and Italy, and on his return in 1823 he received at the instance of Stein the principal On the 2nd Anne herself was committed to the Tower on a At the London International Exhibition of 1851 he had The works were to be operated by the government foi ten years, and the cost assessed against the holders of the land.1 At the conclusion of this period the system was to pass into the control of the landholders, with no further along the dividing line between that state and 1 The public lands are open to entry free of At the outbreak of the war with Spain he was placed in With a party of congressmen he visited the Philippines on a tour of inspection July-September 1905, and in September 1906, on the downfall of the Cuban republic and the intervention of America, he took temporary Other peoples were introduced, officers were placed in He seems to regard this body of literature as the answer to the The "correctness" of his attitude on all public questions won for him the commendation of Catholic writers; he is not included in Nicol Burne's list of "periurit apostatis"; but his policy and influence were misliked by James VI., who, when the Assembly had elected Arbuthnot to the In 1772 he was appointed by Wesley "general assistant" in But in that case it might be difficult to find a systematic philosopher who would escape the When the March Revolution of 1917 broke out Guchkov was called in to take Louis Charles was then separated from his mother and aunt to be put in his father's It is nevertheless certain that during the first half of 1794 he was very strictly secluded; he had no special guardian, but was under the He was then cleansed and re-clothed, his room cleaned, and during the day he was visited by his new attendant, a creole and a compatriot of Josephine de Beauharnais, named Jean Jacques Christophe Laurent (1770--1807), who had from the 8th of November onwards assistance for his The elders are the first or oldest teachers of congregations, for which there is no regular bishop.

4. 83.

Innocent accepted the Towards the middle of November Colonel Gore was commanded to effect the arrest of Papineau and his principal adherents on a He had the same difficulty in obtaining money for his northern In 1874 Welles published Lincoln and Seward, in which he refutes the In the third quarter of the 19th century not more than a tenth part of the fertile land was under cultivation, and the yearly A noteworthy peculiarity in the foreign mail service is that an extra Then followed the ambitious schemes of President Balta, which with the loans of 5870 and 1872 raised the total foreign debt to £49,000,000, on which the annual interest 2 That a prior vision in which Hermas was " delivered " to the Shepherd's The Russians in Sokolnitz surrendered, an opportune cavalry Fra Silvestro on the contrary gave way at mere sight of the rack, and this seer of heavenly visions owned himself and his master guilty of every crime laid to their Napoleon therefore, to create a diversion, sent forward his centre, now consisting only of cavalry, to After short assistant pastorates at St Andrew's, Glasgow, and Bonhill, Dumbartonshire, he obtained a settled After partially fulfilling the duties of the office for one session, he wa.s led to resume the He was attacked by so overwhelming a hypochondria that his life was despaired of, and he was placed for some time under the In 1881-85 and in1898-1905he was a regent of the university of Wisconsin; and he was a member (1897-1903) of the commission which had The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. 3.
1) He is in charge of the municipal housing project. Charge sentence examples. It is particularly worrying that nobody seems to be 13. Besides, after he inherited, he could always put someone in I want you to start learning what it means to be in I can get each of you two sets of ID, birth certificate, passport, driver's license, After telling me the contest was over, something I'd just told her, she reluctantly transferred me to Irv Goldman who was in He'd lived in Tokyo before Rhyn dragged him to the castle as his Electrostatic fields come from a voltage gradient and can exist when The John Wayne look-alike with the big belly was in One of the leopards licked her hands, and the man in But what is best of all," he went on, his excitement subsiding under the delightful interest of his own story, "is that the sergeant in Tuition, for instance, is an important item in the term bill, while for the far more valuable education which he gets by associating with the most cultivated of his contemporaries no I didn't know the names of anyone at organization so I asked for the person in Jude remained incarcerated but Owen, facing a lesser Having spent enough time on the ship to understand the odd society, she knew better than to Rostov could already see their faces and heard the command: "The gunman rested back on his heels to load a new laser That is the actual phrase used by the Vienna cabinet, said the Danish No matter what they thought of his human origins, he was still the deity in His major-domo came in a second time to say that the Frenchman who had brought the letter from the countess was very anxious to see him if only for a minute, and that someone from Bazdeev's widow had called to ask Pierre to take Glancing indolently and indifferently at all the prisoners, he ordered the officer in Kris heard the sickening sound of the demon.s body breaking from the distance and watched the other demons shapeshift to It was probably silly of me to believe Jerome could find me, just from one little Pierre suddenly began, lowering his head and looking like a bull about to A huge, broad-shouldered gunner, Number One, holding a mop, his legs far apart, sprang to the wheel; while Number Two with a trembling hand placed a He decided that he must attend to his son's education by finding a tutor and putting the boy in his He felt instinctively that if the hussars struck at the French dragoons now, the latter could not withstand them, but if a He was in the area and the police took a good look at him from the information I have but there wasn't enough evidence to His hand trembled as he gave his horse into an orderly's An elegantly dressed man in his sixties identified as Assistant Director Carlton Summerfield had taken Matters of warrants and probable cause escaped his wife's rationale, replaced by her conscience, which stood firmly in Granted, he was Death, and she was offering a partnership running the underworld instead of deferring to him in his role in Kris chuckled, at ease with his brother despite the unprotected penthouse on the top floor of a building that could be easily leveled by a single explosive Claire was a peanut butter blonde, gone grey, tall and well dressed, all business and definitely in She turned to Claire, as if acknowledging she was in "I don't have time," she replied, feeling worn despite the With his commanding air, he was accustomed to being in You can't be serious, Kris. Before she could object, Kiki took charge again.

CK 1 2218168 You're in charge. In charge of in a sentence.

He is in charge of the municipal housing project.

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