Archbishop of Vienna

Archbishop of Vienna

  • Leopold Maximilian von Firmian (Frimian) † (Archbishop: 19 Apr 1822 to 29 Nov 1831) Jakob Frint † (Deacon: 16 Aug 1795; Priest: 30 Aug 1795 to 9 Apr 1827) Cölestin (Josef) Ganglbauer, O.S.B. They share "a life, they share their joys and sufferings, they help one another. Schönborn described a gay friend of his who, after many temporary relationships, is now in a stable relationship. "On December 1, 2018, he allowed a controversial rock performance to take place in In May 2017, Schönborn published an approbation in regards to the In 2006, Schönborn published an article on the relationship between Catholicism and Islam, noting that both are missionary religions and interfaith dialog is often seen as an alternative to the missionary impulse.